
Is this the woman lionized by Kathryn Bigelow in Zero Dark Thirty?


“Her name is Alfreda Frances Bikowsky and, according to independent reporters Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy, she is a CIA analyst who is partially responsible for intelligence lapses that led to 9/11. The two reporters recently released a “documentary podcast” called “Who Is Richard Blee?” about the chief of the agency’s bin Laden unit in the immediate run-up to the 9/11 attacks and featuring interviews with former counterterrorism official Richard Clarke, former CIA agent Bob Baer, Looming Tower author Lawrence Wright, 9/11 Commission co-chairman Tom Keane, and others. In it, Nowosielski and Duffy make the case that Bikowsky and another CIA agent named Michael Anne Casey deliberately declined to tell the White House and the FBI that Khalid al-Mihdhar, an Al Qaida affiliate they were tracking, had obtained a visa to enter the U.S. in the summer of 2001.

That “Gawker” wording is inaccurate and problematic.  The visas were obtained a full 16 months prior to the 9/11 attacks, in 2000.  The botched wording implies that the visas were obtained in summer 2001, which is not the case.

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds also exposed Bikowsky:

“Both the previous and current administrations appear to have deemed Alfreda Frances Bikowsky’s direct involvement in intentional obstruction of justice, intentional cover up, lying to Congress, and overseeing rendition-kidnapping-torture practices as qualifying factors to have kept promoting her. She now leads the CIA’s Global Jihad Unit and is a close advisor to the President.”

Michael Ruppert, Colleen Rowley and others have for many years talked about the promotion of the people directly responsible for allowing the hijackers to remain at large prior to 9/11.  This rewarding of “failure” is one of the most striking aspects of the 9/11 cover up.

History Commons Entries on Alfreda Frances Bikowsky

The filmmakers are featured on Sibel Edmond’s Boiling Frog Podcast here.

“Filmmakers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy join us to discuss their extensive research, interviews and findings which have resulted in the unmasking of three former top CIA officials- George Tenet, Cofer Black and Richard Blee- and their role in withholding intelligence on two key 9/11 hijackers and subsequent cover-ups.”

The explosive interview with former White House Counter-terrorism Advisor (“Czar”) Richard Clarke:


CIA threatens filmmakers Nowosielski and Duffy forcing them to censor their 9/11 investigation and take down the “” website.

More from Sibel Edmonds:

Alfreda Frances Bikowsky is the person described in New Yorker journalist Jane Mayer’s book The Dark Side as having flown in to watch the waterboarding of terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammad without being assigned to do so. “Its not supposed to be entertainment,” superiors were said to have told her. She was also at the center of “the el-Masri incident,” in which an innocent German citizen was kidnapped by the CIA in 2003 and held under terrible conditions without charges for five months in a secret Afghan prison. The AP characterized it as “one of the biggest diplomatic embarrassments of the U.S. war on terrorism.”

These are crimes.

In an unaccountable empire criminals are heralded as “heroes.”

It’s all fine and well with the racism directing the torture and murder at foreigners, Arabs, Islamic people.  Of course Americans don’t notice they’ve been flushed down the slippery slope and no longer have any right to privacy as the government claims the right to detain them at will and bomb their houses with drone missiles.

Cheer on.

  1. Editor says:

    Jane Mayer also excoriates the film for its pro-torture propaganda lies:

    Zero Conscience in “Zero Dark Thirty”

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