The Nazis of Kiev

Posted: July 18, 2014 in -
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Some Wile E. Coyote level supergenius, by the name “Jack Patterson,” thinks that spouting buzzwords is equivalent to knowing what one is talking about. He enjoys one word witticisms like “disinformation” and “provocateur,” without demonstrating any actual knowledge behind any of his quite annoying utterances on Twitter. So this is my fuck off post to him. He doesn’t believe Nazis have taken over Ukraine, probably because his television hasn’t done that bit of thinking for him. Well here’s BBC:

Here’s the wrecking crew awarded large State Department bonuses straight from Asst. Secretary of state Victoria Nuland:


Here’s Nuland hand picking the current Prime Minister of Ukraine (Yatsenyuk, right), in the famous “Fuck the EU” call:

Here’s Nuland bragging that $5 Billion of US tax money has been dumped on Ukraine to wrench it away from the Russian sphere of influence.

Now for the Nazis!

Oleh Tyahnybok, Svboda Party leader:

Oleh Tyahnybok, has called for the liberation of his country from the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.” After the 2010 conviction of the Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk for his supporting role in the death of nearly 30,000 people at the Sobibor camp, Tyahnybok rushed to Germany to declare him a hero who was “fighting for truth.” In the Ukrainian parliament, where Svoboda holds an unprecedented 37 seats, Tyahnybok’s deputy Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn is fond of quoting Joseph Goebbels – he has even founded a think tank originally called “the Joseph Goebbels Political Research Center.”
Is the US backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

John McCain and other state department members have troubling ties to the ultra-nationalist Svoboda party

nuland-mccain-Tyahnybok- copy

Current PM, “Yats,” so beloved by Dick Cheney’s former adviser, Victoria Nuland, said:

 “…facing a threat to be killed by invaders and sponsored by subhumans,” he said. ‘First, we will commemorate the heroes by wiping out those who killed them and then by cleaning our land from the evil.’” –The Mask Slips

Those sub-humans are Ukrainian citizens living in the east who prefer to speak Russian, as that’s their language. The Kiev coup government outlawed Russian as a language, and their brown shirt thugs have violently attacked Parliamentary speakers who attempt to speak Russian. They are, of course, now bombing the civilians in the east with planes and artillery.

UPDATE: Some videos were removed from youtube. This one compiles tons of interviews and investigations of the Nazis of western Ukraine:

But I guess I’m just getting started here.

SS officers honored as heroes!

But there’s so, so much more, if one actually cares to investigate what they’re talking about before sticking a dog-shit covered foot in his mouth.

The Nazi “Right Sector” mass murder in Odessa is a shockingly brutal example of neo-nazi footsoldiers in action:

Nazi tactics have been front and center since the Maidan sniper incident where Maidan side snipers shot people on both sides, all the while accusing the Ukraine government of doing the shooting:

I guess swastikas plastered all over Kiev and marching goon squads intimidating everyone in their paths is too subtle?




Supporters of Karpaty Lviv hold a Nazi flag with a swastika at a match against Dynamo Kyiv in 2007


Svoboda: The rise of Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists

Who is in Charge of Ukraine today? Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis


Nazis? What Nazis?

  1. Editor says:

    Lots of Google / Youtube censorship.

  2. Editor says:

    Reblogged this on Political Film Blog and commented:

    Look at all the YOUTUBE CENSORSHIP that has happened since 2015, when I wrote this one…

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