Posts Tagged ‘end of the world’

Scott Ritter: Biden’s PROVOCATION Forced Russia To Bring Nuclear Missiles to Caribbean



I overlooked an “End of the World” smaller film when I posted the other day. End of the World: UTR Edition

Admittedly, this is not a good trailer.  The style, the background music, and even the hair and some of the clips chosen aren’t doing it much good.  So I haven’t bothered embedding it.  The concept rises above the flaws.

This is actually a decent story, and should be given some consideration.


As the US empire has driven the world to the brink of a new world war beginning in Russia’s ally, Syria, over bogus “weapons of mass destruction” claims, we should all take pause in a big, big way.  The cold war never ended.  It risks flaring into a hot war, right now, today, as we sit around contemplating movies.