Posts Tagged ‘Joel Harding’

0f1000fPhoto from Google, cached from Linkedin

A US Psyop Troll has gone to info-war in Ukraine. His name is Joel Harding, and he has a cyber army of trolls and disinformation agents spreading propaganda about Ukraine and trying to stir up World War 3 with Russia. Yes, he’s a real piece of work.

He’s focused on Globalresearch, which has been lax in its editorial oversight. I’ve complained about articles there myself, and I am published there myself. I have no problem with journalism being held to high standards. I do have a huge problem with state-funded psyops against the people of the world and warmongering.

US Psychological Warfare in Ukraine: Targeting Online Independent Media Coverage

And there are many kinds of propaganda; let me focus on what we are mostly seeing being dumped on us by Russia …I’ll put them in a spreadsheet and send it to anyone wanting to help.  Together we’ll see if we can send that to enough people to make a case against him, embarrass him and make it impossible for his to show his face without being labeled a bad journalist, a liar, guilty of perjury, and a dirty propagandist…Photographs can be photoshopped, so can videos.  Eyewitness accounts are suspect.  Reporters stories are only as reliable as the news sources and that means they are not reliable. Even if the most reliable person in the world says something, their word can always be branded speculation, biased or that they are a paid troll, be it Russian or otherwise (although I really don’t know of any others).
-Joel +Harding, Aug 31

People the IO army are Targeting

Topping the list in terms of importance is Congressman Alan Grayson who has been an outspoken opponent of intervention in Syria as well as Ukraine.