Posts Tagged ‘political pressure’



Oliver Stone Talks About Critical Responses…


“We moved to Germany because we did not feel comfortable in the U.S. We felt like we were at risk here. We didn’t know what the NSA might do… These problems were consistent, and out of the blue. It felt really wrong. All the studio heads, the script was good, but then they say, ‘Okay, I’ll get back to you with numbers.’ That’s what they do. A few days go by, you don’t hear a thing. What happens? It goes upstairs to all these corporate boards that run this country, and these corporate boards all said no, because some lawyer somewhere, somebody who hates Snowden, took exception.”

“It’s a very strange thing to do an American man like this and not be able to finance this movie in America. It wouldn’t have been made [without foreign financing], and that’s very disturbing, if you think about it — its implications for any subject that is not, call it ‘overtly pro-American’… They say we have freedom of expression, but thought is financed. Thought is controlled. The media is controlled. And this country is very tight on that. There’s no criticism allowed at a certain level. You can make movies about civil rights leaders who are dead, but it’s not easy to make about a current man.”