John Oliver Attacks Third Parties

Posted: October 17, 2016 in -
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John Oliver’s exercise in propaganda:

Guilt by association: associate a bunch of insane people with your target to put the idea in people’s heads that they are similar.

He is wrong on issue after issue:

1. Student debt relief. Jill Stein never said as president she would simply order that elaborate straw man you concocted for comedic effect. She would work toward making college free for Americans through normal legal channels. You have tipped your hand as a hit man for Hillary.

2. What she said about vaccines was simple science: she saw no evicence of a claim. That’s how science works, joke man. You investigate evidence. Scientists produce evidence in tests and trials all the time, and then they study it. You are going out of your way to peddle ignorance.

3. The September 11 cover up is glaring and an affront to the entire civilized world. The 28 pages linking Saudi government officials directly to the hijackers have been released. Have you even bothered to read the pages before spouting off in ignornace? What Stein said about the 9/11 Commission is completely true. Two of the Commissioners, Kean and Hamilton, said that it was “set up to fail.” Are you so willingly ignorant, or corrupted, John?





7 countries where college is free


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