Posts Tagged ‘epidemic’



Whistleblower: Personnel handled coronavirus evacuees without proper training or gear

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CDC Removed Information On Coughing and Sneezing From Ebola Q&A

“An earlier version of the page is still available in Google’s cache. It said that while Ebola is not “airborne” like chickenpox or tuberculosis, it can travel a few feet in the air inside droplets emitted when someone coughs or sneezes.

“A person might also get infected by touching a surface or object that has germs on it and then touching their mouth or nose,” the document said.

The CDC has also changed an Ebola Q&A, deleting the below question about coughing and sneezing (which are not typical Ebola symptoms):

Can Ebola spread by coughing? By sneezing?

Unlike respiratory illnesses like measles or chickenpox, which can be transmitted by virus particles that remain suspended in the air after an infected person coughs or sneezes, Ebola is transmitted by direct contact with body fluids of a person who has symptoms of Ebola disease. Although coughing and sneezing are not common symptoms of Ebola, if a symptomatic patient with Ebola coughs or sneezes on someone, and saliva or mucus come into contact with that person’s eyes, nose or mouth, these fluids may transmit the disease.

The version of the Q&A still online notes that Ebola can survive on doorknobs for several hours. The removed question is available in Google’s cache from Oct. 29.”


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“Craig Spencer, a 33-year-old emergency room doctor, returned from Guinea more than a week ago and reported Thursday coming down with a 103-degree fever and diarrhea.”


So how many people can you pass a bug to in a week? More to the point, all it takes is one who doesn’t know he/she’s been contaminated with Ebola to start an epidemic here in the US.

A Doctors Without Borders doc who was treating Ebola patients should have been QUARANTINED, not allowed to run around New York City. But, that would make TOO MUCH FUCKING SENSE!!!

I am disgusted with the mindless obfuscators who have been ignoring reality to score political points almost as much as with the White House and CDC.

Perhaps this species is just too fucking stupid and crazy to go the distance?



This is must see, and I hope they don’t fuck it up.



US Geological Survey:

“Glyphosate and its degradation product, AMPA, were detected in ≥75% of air and rain samples in 2007…”

Glyphosate, Hard Water and Nephrotoxic Metals: Are They the Culprits Behind the Epidemic of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in Sri Lanka?
Study Connects Monsanto’s Roundup to Fatal Kidney Disease Epidemic


Gary Webb may finally be vindicated this year with a biopic that tells the story of “Dark Alliance,” Webb’s reporting on the CIA/Contra drug running.  This obviously goes straight to the top of my must-see list.

CIA-Contra Cocaine Scandal: The Tragic Saga of Gary Webb

H. “Corky” Johnson reports:

There’s now practically a cargo plane full of records replete with connections between the CIA and drug trafficking. Was the CIA complicit in the Contra drug trade? Check. Did the CIA and the U.S. pay the same Contra contractors who were also shipping drugs to the U.S.? Check. Did CIA Director William Casey obtain a special dispensation from the Attorney General to allow his Contra-support team to “look the other way” regarding the drug dealing? Check. Did the CIA deliberately deny to other agencies knowledge of Contra-connected dealers? Check.”

Jeremy Renner will play Webb in the film adaptation of Kill the Messenger, by Nick Schou.

“By operating in the subterranean world of arms and drug smuggling, the CIA took us down the rabbit hole where narco-mad hatters weren’t about to give us any straight dope, where the spooks had no clue and didn’t care where this unfettered trafficking would lead and where they were powerless to predict how many lives would be ruined in the country they were sworn to protect.”

Gary Webb took his own life after being hounded out of the journalism profession and his character assassinated by corporate media for daring to go after the Central Intelligence Agency.

“There’s no question in my mind that people affiliated with or on the payroll of the CIA were involved in drug trafficking while in support of the Contras.” -Sen. (now Sec. of State) John Kerry, PBS



I highly suggest you read the above linked article first.  EW has a little more on the production:

“Michael Cuesta (Homeland) will direct, and Peter Landesman (Trade) is writing a script that draws from two books, Kill The Messenger: How the CIA’s Crack-Cocaine Controversy Destroyed Journalist Gary Webb by Nick Schou and Webb’s own book, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion.”

Get the books:


DARK ALLIANCE: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion [Paperback]



KILL THE MESSENGER: How the CIA’s Crack-Cocaine Controversy Destroyed Journalist Gary Webb [Bargain Price] [Paperback]