Posts Tagged ‘Doctors Without Borders’

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The group is fleeing Yemen after bombings of its emergency medical facilities…


Doctors Without Borders has announced that it is withdrawing from northern Yemen due to what it called “indiscriminate bombings and unreliable reassurances” from the Saudi-led coalition fighting Shiite rebels in the country.


Obama wants to sell Saudi Arabia a billion dollars of new weapons. Disgusting. Criminal. Abhorrent. A crime against humanity.



The Radically Changing Story of the U.S. Airstrike on Afghan Hospital: From Mistake to Justification

Still, some Afghan officials continued to suggest that the attack was justified. “I know that there were civilian casualties in the hospital, but a lot of senior Taliban were also killed,” said Abdul Wadud Paiman, a member of Parliament from Kunduz.

So now we’re into full-on justification mode: yes, we did it; yes, we did it on purpose; and we’re not sorry because we were right to do so since we think some Taliban fighters were at the hospital, perhaps even shooting at us. In response to the emergence of this justification claim,MSF expressed the exact level of revulsion appropriate (emphasis added):

“MSF is disgusted by the recent statements coming from some Afghanistan government authorities justifying the attack on its hospital in Kunduz. These statements imply that Afghan and US forces working together decided to raze to the ground a fully functioning hospital with more than 180 staff and patients inside because they claim that members of the Taliban were present. 

This amounts to an admission of a war crime. This utterly contradicts the initial attempts of the US government to minimize the attack as ‘collateral damage.’

…Army Gen. John Campbell, now claims that “local Afghans forces asked for air support and U.S. forces were not under direct fire just prior to the U.S. bombardment” of the hospital. As NBC notes, this directly contradicts prior claims: “The Pentagon had previously said U.S. troops were under direct fire.”

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“Craig Spencer, a 33-year-old emergency room doctor, returned from Guinea more than a week ago and reported Thursday coming down with a 103-degree fever and diarrhea.”


So how many people can you pass a bug to in a week? More to the point, all it takes is one who doesn’t know he/she’s been contaminated with Ebola to start an epidemic here in the US.

A Doctors Without Borders doc who was treating Ebola patients should have been QUARANTINED, not allowed to run around New York City. But, that would make TOO MUCH FUCKING SENSE!!!

I am disgusted with the mindless obfuscators who have been ignoring reality to score political points almost as much as with the White House and CDC.

Perhaps this species is just too fucking stupid and crazy to go the distance?