Posts Tagged ‘finance’


Gofundme has indefinitely frozen donations to The Grayzone “due to some external concerns.” The company’s actions follow a campaign of repression against our personnel by the British and Ukrainian governments.

Get refunded from GoFundMe, link here:

Gofundme freezes Grayzone fundraiser ‘due to some external concerns’




The top ten recipients of U.S. foreign assistance this year all practice torture and are responsible for major human rights abuses, according to Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other leading human rights organisations.

Financial support for these regimes could stand in violation of existing U.S. law, which requires that little or no aid be provided to a country which “engages in a consistent pattern of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, including torture.”

report released by the Congressional Research Service lists the following countries as the largest beneficiaries of U.S. government-provided aid planned for 2014:

1. Israel – $3.1bn

2. Afghanistan – $2.2bn

3. Egypt – $1.6bn

4. Pakistan – $1.2bn

5. Nigeria – $693m

6. Jordan – $671m

7. Iraq – $573m

8. Kenya – $564m

9. Tanzania – $553m

10. Uganda -$456m


Zillionaire fake philanthropist Bono is at it again, fronting for global predatory finance at the TED talks. The greedy twat Irishman’s data lays claim to improvements in the world that are completely unrelated to the rapacious predatory capitalism he shills for. His pet continent Africa has grown significantly worse over the past 30 years, but you wouldn’t know it from Bono’s cooked books.

Harry Browne is on the case:

‘Factivism’ and Other Fairytales from Bono

…In sub-Saharan Africa, where Bono’s agenda has been concentrated, the absolute numbers below every poverty threshold have skyrocked since 1981, with the number of extremely poor rising from 205 million to 386 million in 2008; at the below-two-dollar-a-day threshold the sub-Saharan numbers have almost doubled in the same period, to 562.3 million.

…As the World Bank acknowledges: “There has been less long-run progress in getting over the $2 per day hurdle.” The number of people in this category remains, after three decades, around 2.5 billion.

Slide the threshold slowly upwards and you very quickly embrace the majority of the world’s people – 80%, for example, living on less than $10 a day.

In his homeland of Ireland, the megashill is despised by more than a few for storing his multi-millions in off-shore accounts where they can’t be taxed by the desperately strapped Irish government. So much for the concern over poverty. He won’t even pay his share of taxes to help fight poverty in Ireland.


Harry Browne also gives a nod to this film:

The End of Poverty?


The End of Poverty?, and makes the compelling argument that it’s not an accident or simple bad luck that has created a growing underclass around the world.



Short answer: go rent it. Now out on DVD.

Medium answer: Fantastic. Capitalist psychopathy from a cinematic perspective.

What to say? David Cronenberg always subverts audience expectations. What can one expect from Robert Pattinson, looking pensive in a stretch limo (if they haven’t already read DeLillo’s novel)? The pre-release buzz was erratic and confused. Perhaps the film itself is such.

I found it pretty dead on, a hyper-realized snapshot of our age.

Long answer: is in the film. No spoilers.

On a tangent, Cosmopolis is another Alexa digital film that fooled me into thinking it was shot on real film. Cronenberg choosing digital? That’s three now from Arri, something Red hasn’t managed to do yet.


Ellen Brown submitted this.

It’s a musical.