Archive for June, 2024

New attacks from belligerent Ukrainians terrorize people in EU.

“That’s the real threat, that’s the real biosecurity threat, that these university labs are doing these bio experiments that are INTENTIONALLY MODIFYING VIRUSES–and I think Bird Flu is going to be the great pandemic–where they are teaching these viruses to be more infectious for humans.”

-Former CDC Director, Doctor Robert Redfield


LA County declines to charge man recorded attacking pro-Palestine protesters at UCLA

There were a dozen or more!

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office on Friday declined to charge Edan On, the 18-year-old accused of attacking pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA in April, citing insufficient evidence and referring the case to the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office for misdemeanor filing consideration.


A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination

Wuhan lab staff sought hospital care before COVID-19 outbreak disclosed – WSJ

The National Crime Syndicate

When USA Today says it, you’re in deep shit…

In a separate meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, the head of a U.N. Commission of Inquiry said the scale of Palestinian civilian losses amounted to “extermination.” The use of weapons with large destructive capacity in densely populated areas “constitutes an intentional and direct attack on the civilian population” and those responsible should be held accountable, Navi Pillay said.

White House to screen Palestinian torture “confessions” to push mass rape lie

I’ll skip right past Z-lister Rapoport.