Posts Tagged ‘document’

CIA Document From WikiLeaks Sheds Critical Light

Greenwald is back. Leaving The Intercept is the best thing that could have happened.

“What made this document so fascinating, so revealing, is the CIA’s discussion of how to manipulate public opinion to ensure it remains at least tolerant if not supportive of Endless War and, specifically, the vital role President Obama played for the CIA in packaging and selling U.S. wars around the world.”

Argentina | IMF protest

Leaked Wikileaks Doc Reveals US Military Use of IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons

A very odd thing indeed for FACEBOOK to CENSOR, but here come the bogus “community standards” again:



Although the “journalist” is unnamed, this is the standard operating procedure across corporate so-called “newsrooms.”

Nafeez Ahmed:

“I spoke to a major national newspaper here in the U.K. and what was interesting was they were quite sympathetic to the line of inquiry, but just felt like they couldn’t cover it. And it wasn’t that they were told they couldn’t cover it. The journalist that I spoke to who is a senior journalist that I have a lot of respect for was very sympathetic to what I was saying. He literally said to me look – I actually could sense that there was this fear that I shouldn’t be talking about this, this is going to far – is the document really strong enough? He didn’t feel confident.

“There is almost like an unspoken recognition I think in the mainstream media that there are certain things we are not allowed to say. The idea that something as despicable as ISIS could actually been foreseen or facilitated deliberately, which is really what is implied by this report quite clearly.

“It’s almost too much,” he said. “It goes against the grain of so much we take for granted. So many assumptions about not just American, but Western kind of supremacy and the benevolence of our government that we would never do anything like this … it’s a big kind of leap.

“On the one hand I think that journalists are scared and worried about pushing boundaries to that extent. It does raise a concern that there is an absolute silence on this issue, especially in the English speaking media. It raises real questions about what is behind that silence?”

Corporate Media Blacks Out Pentagon Report that Exposes U.S. Role in the Creation of ISIS


‘Create unrest’: Canada’s CSE agency includes ‘false flag’ operations as part of newly-revealed cyberwarfare scope

Canada’s Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) – including the capacity and will to perform ‘false flag’ operations, where responsibility for cyberattacks, counterattacks or other intelligence-related activity is misattributed to individuals, groups or nation states.



From Michael Riconosciuto Document Archive



Latest Edward Snowden Document



Honey-trap; a great option. Very successful when it works.

– Get someone to go somewhere on the internet, or a physical location to be met by a “friendly face”.

– JTRIG has the ability to “shape” the environment on occasions.

Photo changes; you have been warned, “JTRIG is about!”

Can take “paranoia” to a whole new level.

Blog writing:

-Has worked on a number of different Ops.

– One example is on a Serious Crime Op,REDACTED

– Other examples on Iran work.


– Infiltration work.

– Helps JTRIG acquire credibility with online groups etc.

– Helps with bringing SIGINT/Effects together.

  • Place ‘secret’ information on a compromised computer
  • Send ‘secret’ information across a network visible to sigint
  • Provide ‘secret’ information through an online agent


Do the analyst’s (sic) know not just what their target is doing, but what is it thinking?


Now read how these tactics concern the 9/11 attacks:

Disinformation Killed 9/11 “Truth”