Posts Tagged ‘vax’

Los Angeles United School District officials must face a lawsuit from workers alleging the district vaccine mandate violated employees’ constitutional due process rights, a divided Ninth Circuit said Friday. The district court wrongly dismissed the suit by applying a 1905 US Supreme Court case, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, upholding a smallpox vaccine mandate, Judge Ryan Nelson said, vacating the lower court’s dismissal.

California Covid Vaccine Mandate Suit Revived by Ninth Circuit

Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths

They warned that side effects linked to the Covid vaccine had included ischaemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain haemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events and blood clotting.

(You know, “science,” you brainwashed bovines.)


One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response

They COULD have investigated this 3 fucking years ago, but that cover-up was brought to you by PfizerTM.

But at least 81 Britons died from blood clot complications that appeared to be linked to the jab, according to figures collated by UK drug watchdog the MHRA.

Now, the Cambridge-based pharmaceutical company has admitted in court for the first time that its Covid vaccine can cause the deadly blood clotting side effect.

admits for first time that it can cause rare side effect

£34,800 fine

Pfizer accused of ‘bringing discredit’ on pharmaceutical industry after Covid social media posts


“Our vaccine candidate is 95 per cent effective in preventing Covid-19, and 94 per cent effective in people over 65 years old. We will file all of our data with health authorities within days.”

I don’t know what else to tell these brainwashed clingers-on. Fucking you over is designed into the system. Duh. If you’re too stupid…


FDA CAVES & Will Stop Lying About Ivermectin! w/ Dr. Mary Talley Bowden

Your government has been blatantly LYING to you about medicine to treat a PANDEMIC.


They changed the label from “pro-choice” to “pro-abortion” in order to hide their totalitarian attack on our Informed Medical Consent.

UK Telegraph

Medicines regulator failed to flag Covid vaccine side effects and must be investigated, say MPs

All-party group believe MHRA were aware of heart and clotting issues in February 2021 but did not highlight the problems for several months

The Guardian piece:

Mistakes, fakes and a giant rat penis: why are so many science papers being retracted?

“A record 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023. To find out what’s driving this trend, Ian Sample speaks to Ivan Oransky, whose organisation Retraction Watch has been monitoring the growing numbers of retractions for more than a decade…”

CDC Had Alert About Vaxx-Related Myocarditis But NEVER SENT IT OUT!