Posts Tagged ‘Zelensky’

Does anyone need an explanation?

The ICJ ruled that the Donbas and Lugansk People’s Republics were not “terrorist” entities, Russia did not discriminate based on ethnicity residents of Crimea and found that the Ukrainian military engaged in torture and inhumane treatment of Eastern Ukrainian detainees

Failed ICJ Case Against Russia Backfires, Paves Way for Genocide Charges Against Ukraine

For 10 years the “West” has ignored what the UKRAINIANS DID to start this war. Until now.

THIS is the most sickening, worrying, and despicable event of the year, as far as I can remember.

Canada embraces Naziism with standing ovation:

AP Spins Away the Nazi Connection to the Canadian/Ukrainian.

They give a standing ovation to a Nazi soldier and AP pretends he’s not a Nazi, as that is their role today.


“Google has 738,000 hits for “trucker convoy Nazi”, all stories from one fake photograph of an agent provocateur with a swastika flag that no-one else saw. 738,000 hits. Trudeau invited an actual Nazi SS veteran to Parliament and so far, not one story from the Regime Media.”

Canadian & US military officers training AZOV NAZIS:


Censored by Google/Youtube/CIA.

However, Youtube is not the only game in town.

And PART TWO is up…

International Law and Its Shenanigans
Russia issues arrest warrant for Sen. Lindsey Graham over Ukraine comments

In an edited video of the Friday meeting, which was released by Zelenskiy’s office, Graham had said that “the Russians are dying” and described the American military assistance to Ukraine as “the best money we’ve ever spent.”

MORE, FROM 2016:

Jimmy Dore is now on the Ukraine kill list!

Absolute psychopaths are in charge of America, and if you voted for them then you’re responsible.

The Rise of Fascism in Italy

Denying the Far-Right Role in the Ukrainian Revolution

The evidence is there, but the public does not see. Today’s “Democrats” (sic) are openly fascist. Hugging fascists, arming fascists, funding fascism. Censoring opponents, forcing medical procedures onto people against their wills–have they done anything to help anyone but themselves in the past 50 years?

Ukraine is a Nazi abomination. All evidence points to that, except for one thing: they stuck a Jewish figurehead in charge to fool idiot Westerners who only can remember one thing about the world. He’s brought in $150 billion in arms, and the Nazis who run the place will kill him the moment he does something they don’t like.

How Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries

Hey, who’s in the photo?

I’ve had brainwashed U.S. stooges argue, literally, that Ukraine having openly NAZI military formations in its official military doesn’t mean anything because they’re not “all” Nazis.

Ukraine Parliament Cheers Nazi Collaborator


Let’s not foget the one good thing Sanders ever did: exposed how undemocratic and ridiculous the Democrat (sic) Party actually is:

DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Back Rooms

Oh yeah, Sanders didn’t actually sue the DNC. It was his supporters who gave him their hard-earned money only to learn that he was a fucking piece of shit tool.


None of this is new. Clinton’s secretary of the genocide of children:


Back on 17 April 2015, several interested people had also tracked the original web address ( directly to without the intermediary “CDN” domain suggesting that Myrotvorets had been hosted there from near the beginning. Other IP history records show that the Operation Butterfly domain discussed above was also hosted on, as were two other sites:

• which we noted above was part of the Myrotvorets operation;