Posts Tagged ‘psychosis’

“Continuing to speak out is crucial.”

“The COVID crisis ushered in an episode of “mass psychosis” among the populace where rationality, critical thinking and skepticism flew out the window. As a result of increasing anxiety, loneliness and isolation among the population, COVID arrived at a crucial time to “infect” the masses with a collective hypnosis where the dominant narrative could not be questioned — all this according to University of Ghent professor of psychoanalytic psychotherapy Mattias Desmet. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Professor Desmet about how mass formation works and why COVID struck at just the right moment to virtually hypnotize so many of us.”

Professor Desmet on Twitter:
Kurt Metzger on Twitter:


American Psycho

I’ve slogged through so much crap this week as a result of Elliot Rodger’s final act that I think I’ll upset a few and call it for what it is. The rampage has been claimed by women, of course, ranting about rape particularly.

Elliot Rodger didn’t rape anyone. There is no indication that he could even talk to a woman. He saw himself as the opposite of brutal, uncouth rapists, labeling himself repeatedly as the “ultimate gentleman.”

He was next claimed by the religious prophecy crowd, which had no trouble tying him to the gay agenda. Gay marriage and women working outside the home were clearly to blame. That Rodger was an extreme hetero, obsessed with finding a woman to the point of insanity, seems to have been edited out of this week’s sermons.

Of course the anti-gun lobby claimed him immediately, and that was obvious. This brought in the pro-gunners and so that noise blares at the usual cacophony. When white people get shot laws get enacted, and so stay tuned to see where this initiative goes.

Critics of Hollywood were quick to jump on board too. Elliot also played World of Warcraft for 14 hours per day at one point in his life. So anti-Hollywood and anti-video games, check, check.

So it was “rape culture,” Hollywood, video games, the gays, Godlessness, gun laws etc. that created Rodger. Can’t forget the mental health establishment, which failed him with non-prescription therapy. Speculation abounds that he was on anti-depressants, and so that theory spreads widely without evidence. The reporting so far suggests that Rodger refused to take drugs, and he felt he was beyond perfect as-is, as any of his many vlogs will establish.

The extreme right was typing “false flag” the evening of the spree. They discredit themselves.

I’ve seen a lot of prefabricated agenda-driven hype on Elliot Rodger, preformed ideologies that his rampage fit neatly into. The narrative that impresses me the most, the one with the most evidence and substantiation, however, is this one:

Portrait of a Psychopath: UCSB Shooter Elliot Rodger a Child of Hollywood, Privilege, Isolation

Elliot Rodger, if you listen to his words, is the closest thing we’ve had yet to American Psycho.

“I always loved luxury and opulence.”

The virgin spree-shooter, like the others, had a broken spring in his head. His drive for love, superiority, sex and acknowledgment are fairly universal themes though. Elliot was a lonely, shy person who couldn’t relate to others, and he never did figure out how to approach women. He also had a case of extreme narcissism. This victim-complex became more severe over time with each failed attempt at romance. Rodger, an American neo-Caligula, believed himself to be the most deserving of all, and it shocked him to his fibers that he was unwanted and alienated, when in fact he did everything the culture suggested would work out for him. He was a product of magazine advertisements, television and movie iconography, red carpet galas and paparazzi hysteria. He wore the right clothes, drove the right car and he bragged in exasperation that his sunglasses cost $300. So why not the expected rewards of attention, sex and love, his consumerist fairy tale? Movie actors just across the room received all that and more without even trying.

They’re kissing right now. It’s torture for me to watch, but I have to do this. I have to film this. I have to show the world why life isn’t fair. I have to show everyone why I hate the world, ’cause no girl would do this with me.”
-Elliot Rodger (My reaction to seeing a young couple at the beach, Youtube, May 23, 2014)

Elliot Rodger forces us to consider his case, because we don’t expect him. We assume someone with everything, all the luxuries, the youth, the potential, the connections, will automatically thrive in our society. He was well positioned to follow the yellow brick road into Hollywood, but he had a loose screw. Perhaps a biological problem with his brain, that coupled with his sense of superiority and entitlement made him the perfect psycho killer.

Seven cops descended upon his apartment last month, and yet none bothered to search his bedroom; they were so charmed by this “ultimate gentleman.” The story of which of his videos triggered the police alert and whether the police actually watched it remains fuzzy. Further, the particulars of his admissions at that time, and whether they clearly showed him to be a threat, are hard to piece together. Add to that a number of deleted videos from Youtube, and the picture may be getting fuzzier by the day. ‘What did the police know, and when did they know it,’ is a valid question. ‘Why didn’t they know it’ would be another. Rodger’s own mother had alerted his therapist over disturbing videos he had posted. The therapist eventually contacted police to check on him, but what exactly was said? And what wasn’t?

So love turns to hate, jealousy to rage. It’s a timeless descent, and we’ve seen this show before. Interestingly Rodger accepted a compromise, an escape plan for a while.

…if I could somehow become a multi-millionaire at a young age, then my life would instantly become better than most people my age…. That was a form of peaceful, happy revenge and it became my only hope.”

His only hope at avoiding the planned “Day of Retribution,” is what he means. Elliot seems to have been America’s son, a true believer ready to kill and die for the Consumerist Dream. He’d accept multi-millions of dollars in lieu of love and sex. That sum was easier dreamed than achieved, it turns out.


I am not part of the human race. Humanity has rejected me… Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent… Divine!” (Manifesto)

Elliot Rodger began by throwing drinks at couples at coffee shops. He progressed to trying to push girls off a ledge at a party, for which he was thrown down himself and then beaten.

“A dark, hate-fueled rage overcame my entire being, and I tried to push as many of them as I could from the 10-foot ledge.”

He purchased a Supersoaker to fill with orange juice in order to attack those he felt were inferior – and that could be pretty much anyone. Perhaps he longed to fill it with his own urine, but his gentlemanly sensibilities prevailed.

In addition, I had to suffer the shame of other boys respecting me less because I didn’t get any girls. Everyone knew I was a virgin. Everyone knew how vulnerable I was to girls, and I hated everyone just for knowing it.” (Manifesto, Epilogue)

Elliot Rodger stabbed three boys to death prior to his shooting rampage. His hatred of men whom he felt were inferior is similar to his hatred of the beautiful women who had rejected him, “the stupid, degenerate obnoxious men.” Those undeserving inferiors received all the affection in Elliot’s world because women were blind to his magnificence.

They think like beasts and in turn they are beasts. Women are incapable of having morals or thinking rationally. They are completely controlled by their depraved emotions and vile sexual impulses… The most beautiful of women choose to mate with the most brutal of men, instead of magnificent gentlemen like myself.”

On the day of the rampage that loose screw finally fell right out. Whether any mental health treatment could have affected Elliot Rodger or not, we’ll never know. Whether there was enough evidence to hold him in custody, we can’t be certain. His manifesto, My Twisted World, was emailed out just prior to the spree. It would be read too late to affect the outcome.

Near the end, we find the true depth of Elliot Rodger’s psychosis…

In order to completely abolish sex, women themselves would have to be abolished. All women must be quarantined like the plague they are, so that they can be used in a manner that actually benefits a civilized society. In order to carry this out there must exist a new and powerful type of government, under the control of one divine ruler, such as myself. The ruler that establishes this new order would have complete control over every aspect of society… The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death… I would take great pleasure and satisfaction condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death… It is the only way to purify the world.”
-Elliot Rodger, infamous Isla Vista psycho killer



He left a video and a manifesto


My Twisted World
The Story of Elliot Rodger
By Elliot Rodger
 All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women.It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species. All I ever wanted was to fitin and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existenceof loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeingthe value in me.
American Frankenstate

“They will be loyal ideology buyers when they grow up.”

-Aldous Huxley

Meet some of the monsters down your street…



Surrealism in pseudo-documentary about mass murdering war criminals re-enatcing their mass murders.  This is so disturbing that I’m not sure if I’m ready to watch the film in its entirety.



Psychotic fascist police state goes off the deep end.   Any information that isn’t “authorized” is now a crime, and all violators inside the govnernnent will be dealt with as spies.

The Obama regime has declared war on the People of the United States, on the Press and on its own federal employees who inform the other two.

Expatriation is up, by the way.


Americans may be too stupid, collectively, to have freedom.  They don’t value it, they don’t understand it.  They  are headed for hard lessons in the ways of unaccountable abuse of power.

“What would you do if you knew that the government had tapped all of your phones, was watching everything that you do on the Internet and was keeping a copy of all of your emails? Well, the truth is that this is essentially exactly what is happening right now.”

Tempora: The Americans And The British Are Recording All Phone Calls And All Internet Activity

We’re Number One!


Why aren’t I feelin’ the love?


DaLonelyPenguin writes in: “I need love, not movies.”


Lonely Penguin ends badly however, like Shorts Week is heading.


BiebNumberOne writes in: Dis is sick!  Sick!


I’m kicking the Plugsheister the blank outta here.  He’s on my nerves.  His last rampage was scaring away the cute girls.

Maybe this muted response to Shorts Week is all the straight people’s fault?

Blanch the Nut says: “Go stick your head through a plate glass window.”


Where have I gone wrong?


“Shut up, crime!”

If Seven Psychopaths weren’t enough psychopaths, Super offers another handful to keep you cringing and laughing.  I was stunned this movie failed so awfully at the box office.  It has Ellen Paige, Liv Tyler, Kevin Bacon and even Nathan Fillion makes an appearance that you won’t quite expect.

It’s one of those comic book hero wannabe films, as Michael Rappaport muddled through in Special.  It was done quite more impressively in Kick Ass as well, but Super lands somewhere in the middle, only with a gritty bit of the old ultra-violence thrown in.

Super’s over the top psychosis seems intended to make a statement on these obsessive hard right “law and order” maniacs.  The line between criminal and vigilante is constantly shifting around.  While Super’s goal is clear and morally good, some of his antics put him on the wrong side, and this is hammered home with the addition of his lunatic sidekick Boltie.  Ellen Paige plays the craziest little sidekick in memory, and really should have found some psychiatric help instead.

The characters are as pathetic as they are misguided, but still the film seems to make some kind of a point about extreme lunatics redeeming themselves and making good in the world, through unconventional means.

It’s not Disney.


Super on Netflix.