Posts Tagged ‘insurgency’


GARETH PORTER debunks lies that just passed without comment in the New Yorker, in Trump’s rant, and elsewhere.

Lies About Iran Killing US Troops in Iraq Are a Ploy to Justify War




Regular readers will know most of this already. Average Americans, none of it.

The US Hand in the Libyan/Syrian Tragedies



Americans are so dumb and brainwashed, this is the gibberish you have to get through–

Rolling Stone website:

Really? No one wants WWIII but if Stein is willing to let Putin annex more countries because she doesn’t want to be a world policer than Putin will start annexing more countries.

Reality Check

That is complete brainwashed bullshit, and I can’t even believe I have to respond to it.

The USA sponsored an illegal coup in Ukraine and overthrew the legitimately elected government there, throwing the country into complete turmoil when neo-nazis seized power. Neocon ghoul Victoria Nuland – from Clinton’s State Department – is seen in photos with the fascists and was exposed as involved in the coup. The neo-nazis then demonized Russian speaking Ukrainians as their first act, making it illegal to speak Russian in the parliament. The country flared up into civil war. Thanks, Obama.

The Russians have a naval base in Crimea, since forever. The people there are all connected to the base and consider themselves Russian. They seceded in a vote of over 95% in favor of leaving the new Nazi stronghold. This is reported by idiots in the US as “annexing countries.” It’s quite a different story if you care to learn how to read.

Syria has been invaded by foreign sponsored radical Jihadists. Arms and money flowed from the US’s so-called “allies” including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

That is a war crime and breach of the UN Charter, and has led us to the brink of WW3. The US violates the laws enacted to stop another World War, with impunity.

Russia has a naval base in Syria too. See the pattern yet? They were invited by the actual government of Syria to help defend the country from the foreign bankrolled and armed insurgency, the illegitimate proxy armies that chop off heads and brag about it.

That’s square one for a serious discussion about US / Russian relations today.



A Syrian insider’s comprehensive history of this crime.


The Rise of ISIS and Other Extremist Groups:
the role of the West and Regional Powers




Water War? Turkey Cuts Water Supply to Syria – Euphrates Shut Down

In another glaring act of war, the Euphrates river has been blocked and Aleppo’s 7 million residents wait desperately for the water to run out.

NATO member and US partner Turkey has hosted Jihadist terrorist brigades on its territory since 2011.  It has been accused of providing chemical weapons to the Al Nusrah brigades, and its president was exposed for concocting a false flag attack against the Syrians.

This latest act of war will lead to even more dire consequences, as the jackals continue to rip at what is left of Syria.  All concepts of the laws of war and the fight against terrorism have been thrown out the window in order to further western interests in the Middle East.


US support for Syrian terrorists, insurgents, “activists” and whatever the hell you want to label them spans back to 2006/7.  But PBS finally did some investigating, and so that’s something.  Previously the Wall Street Journal exposed a CIA training program in Jordan.  The US supports terrorism with impunity and directs it against its strategic enemies.  This is the favored method of warmaking as it is cheaper with disposable shock troops who aren’t US citizens.

The complete destruction of Syria continues

Syrian Rebels Describe U.S.-Backed Training in Qatar

…training in the use of sophisticated weapons and fighting techniques, including, one rebel said, “how to finish off soldiers still alive after an ambush.”



Imperial hypocrisy enters the Bush League:

“Any violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty… would be deeply destabilizing.”
-Barack Obama (2014)

“Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and trying to destabilize their country. And we will help them rid Iraq of these killers.”
-George W. Bush (2004)

“We’ve invested $5 billion… as we take Ukraine into the future it deserves.”
-Obama’s State Dept. Thug Victoria Nuland



He Who Controls the Present, Remote-Controls Da Planes (Satire)

Norman Ball reporting

In what’s being widely hailed both as a triumph of bipartisan cooperation and unassailable evidence for the existence of Congressional off-shore bank accounts, the ‘USAF-al Qaeda Aerial Bombing Consolidation Act’ sailed through House and Senate chambers today as though borne aloft on the wings of an F/A-18.

A spokesman for the lobbying group spearheading the effort on Capitol Hill—the Project for a New American Abyss (PNAA)—could be heard pinching himself over the phone. “As Straussians, we’re all about running the ball. So the direction doesn’t really matter. Clearly this partnership offers a whole new vista for bold declarative statements and galvanizing events.”

Military analysts were more divided, though one ventured a note of cautious optimism: “It’s a shrewd gambit, and the first time military assets have ever been shared with an adversary who dreams of our complete and utter cessation. However if we’ve learned anything in the last sixty years of permanent war footing, it is that the rules of engagement are continually changing. In short, it could work. If it doesn’t, we can always initiate a conflict to degrade our loaned-out assets. As long as the world keeps rolling in a generally bellicose direction, things should work out fine.”

On Capitol Hill, Senator Porker Jowls, Republican sponsor of the bill and a frequent traveler to Qatar with large, empty satchels, struck a triumphant note: “Today’s crucial milestone would not have been possible without this great nation’s Mach speed attention span. I call therefore on the remaining sharpest tacks in the Great American Drawer to join the rest of us in forgetting so that we might all profitably move forward.”

Later, on a conference call, an al Qaeda spokesman expressed what can only be called polite wariness:

“Given that our indigenous air force is devoid of conventional landing skills, this merger fills a strategic void. The prospect of repeated bombing runs and sorties in the same planes opens up an exciting new dimension to our airborne capabilities. Unfortunately we will be riffing our suicide-hijacker division. We wish them well pursuing fresh nihilistic opportunities elsewhere.

Did the erstwhile terrorist organization resent a late provision in the bill precluding its members from being left unsupervised in USAF cockpits?

“We recognize the sensitivity. Fortunately we’re not strangers to overcoming cockpit resistance. It’ll take time though. Today we choose to emphasize the positive aspects of this historic alliance.”

He paused before continuing…

“I don’t wish to overstate the cooperation aspects of this historic agreement since we will be continuing our virulent, campaign of terror in select locations while supplies last. So please check your local newspapers to see if your al Qaeda cell is participating. Let me just say on behalf of the corporate office that we welcome the Great Satan’s embrace with jubilance, realpolitik and long-term strategic calculation.

Attempting a lighter note, one reporter on the conference call asked: “How will it feel waking up every morning not knowing whether to expect a drone attack or a Boeing flight manual?”

The spokesman laughed. “You know, life is a long game with virgins at the end. We’ll muddle through.”

Meanwhile the One Labored Breath at a Time Foundation (OLBAATF) managed, on behalf of New York City’s beleaguered 911 first responders, only a muted response due mostly to degraded lung capacity. Said one haggard fireman: “It sort of takes the wind out of you in more ways than one.”

Hear, hear sir. It certainly does. Rest assured this reporter will do his utmost to keep your fading voice heard above the riffraff.



Norman Ball is a businessman, author and poet whose essays have appeared in Counterpunch, Asia Times, The Western Muslim, The Glasgow Herald and elsewhere. His new book is “Between River and Rock: How I Resolved Television in Six Easy Payments” is available here.

by Joe Giambrone

Published at:

Brian Glyn Williams (right)

I hope I didn’t contribute to it.  That kid and his brother identified with the Chechen struggle.”  

–Brian Glyn Williams, South Coast Today, April 19th  2013

Who is Brian Glyn Williams, and why was he telling his local newspaper such things relating to the alleged Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?  This question may be highly relevant to our understanding of the bombing and of the longstanding Chechen insurgency itself.   It was Williams who contacted South Coast Today reporter Steve Urbon first, and not vice-versa.  This important article indicates a series of contacts between professor Williams and the boy who would later be accused of terrorism and mass murder at the 2013 Boston Marathon.

Brian Glyn Williams bills himself as an associate professor of Islamic History at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.  That’s where his byline tends to stop, abridged as it is.  Recently however, Williams has come clean about his CIA past as a field operative in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and around Central Asia in the early 2000’s.  He studied, of all things, the motivations of “suicide bombers,” establishing himself as an expert on the subject.  Professor Williams also has a longtime association with the Jamestown Foundation, created by the head of the CIA in 1984 and steered by Zbigniew Brzezinski.  Williams’ role as an “analyst” for Jamestown Foundation is usually also omitted from his byline, when his editorials appear in such mainstream journals as the Huffington Post, The Atlantic Monthly and elsewhere.   Such failure to disclose his personal connections to US intelligence and to an intelligence-connected front organization mirrors his non-disclosure concerning his personal relationship with the alleged Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in those very same publications.

A website called Major History profiled Professor Williams in March of 2013.  There they wrote, “[Brian Glyn Williams’] work has taken him to … Afghanistan to work for the Central Intelligence Agency.  Williams was tasked with helping law enforcement and intelligence agencies understand the motivations and behaviors of suicide bombers…”  As Williams’ formal education is in history, rather than psychological profiling, this may seem a bit out of the ordinary.  “[Williams’] findings about suicide bombings in Afghanistan were informed by his understanding of tribal identities as much as fervor for the Jihadist movement.  He came to these conclusions after being sent to Afghanistan by the CIA to perform firsthand research on these types of attacks.  This type of fieldwork is unusual for most academics but especially for historians...”


Which version of Brian Glyn Williams are we reading?

In 2008 Williams wrote a Field Report on Suicide Bombers of Afghanistan, for the Middle East Policy journal.  No indication was given to readers that his specific trip to Afghanistan was as a CIA operative.  That disclosure does not seem to have been made until March of 2013.  In the piece, Dr. Williams, a lowly associate professor of Islamic History, said, “…it was my research on Afghanistan’s suicide bombers that had drawn me from the safety of my world to the Pashtun tribal regions…”  That may be so, but it is certainly not the entire story.

Williams’ elaborate 2011 defense of the CIA’s drone assassination campaign is an exercise in bolstering the CIA’s policies without fully disclosing his own linkages or self-interests.  Writing in the West Point CTC Sentinel, “Brian Glyn Williams is Associate Professor of Islamic History at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth.  He formerly taught at the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies.”  That’s all that Williams discloses in Accuracy of the U.S. Drone Campaign: The Views of a Pakistani General.

FrontPage Magazine managed to locate Brian Glyn Williams after the Boston Marathon bombings and noted, “Professor Brian Glyn Williams teaches the only course in the country about the Chechen wars and said Dzokhar emailed him questions in the spring of 2011.”  No mention of CIA or Jamestown, but was this at all unexpected given Williams’ persistent pattern of non-disclosures?

As Williams is billed as the sole academic in the US worth talking to about the Chechen wars, he should quite know all about the Islamic Jihad that has raged there since the 90’s and which FrontPage describes clearly just further down in the article.  When Osama Bin Laden set up a training camp in Chechnya in 1995, he wanted to ‘establish a worldwide Islamic state…

Who are the Chechen rebel “commanders?”

Canadian Broadcasting (CBC) reported in 2010,

“Last year, a charismatic rebel commander calling himself Said Buryatsky bragged on the rebel website Kavkaz Center he was training new suicide bombers….  Buryatsky… studied for several years in Saudi Arabia… A new leader, Dokka Umarov, emerged declaring the new goal was to separate all six Muslim majority provinces in the Russian Caucasus from the Russian Federation, and create a new Islamic state ruled by Sharia law.  Admired for his Saudi religious education Buryatsky quickly became Umarov’s chief ideologist.  He also became a valued military strategist.”

Doku Umarov is the current leader of the Chechen insurgency, and he is known as “Russia’s Bin Laden.”  His website Kavkaz Center is hosted in Finland.  On June 29th of 2010 the US State Department designated Doku Umarov a “global terrorist.”  In June of 2012 Finnish prosecutors were reported to have linked the US State Department itself to funding for Doku Umarov’s website operations – the Kavkaz Center.

In April of 2013, Brian Glyn Williams suggested to his Huffington Post readers to visit the Kavkaz Center website to see that these Chechens allegedly don’t target Americans.  Williams claimed, “While the small number of Chechen rebels were later radicalized in the 2000s and came to see their war for national independence as a defensive jihad, they had no reason to attack distant America.”  Williams, of course, knows that an Al Qaeda training camp was established in Chechnya in 1995.  He suggests, “For a view into their world see the Chechen rebels’ website Kavkaz Center.”  The owner of that website in Finland, Mikael Storsjo received a “four-month suspended sentence” in 2012 for “assisting Chechen terrorists to enter Finland illegally.” 

Brian Glyn Williams knows full well that Doku Umarov is a terrorist and that the bombings gleefully boasted about on his Jihad website Kavkaz Center are in fact acts of terrorism.  As Umarov is officially designated a “global terrorist” by the US government itself, should Mr. Williams be supporting him, his group and his website rhetorically?

More to the point: Did Williams recommend this website and its activities to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?

The distinction that Williams stresses repeatedly is that “they had no reason to attack distant America.”  The clear implication here is that terrorist attacks against Russians are of no concern and should not be of concern to readers.



“But I will say frankly that what was presented by the Americans does not look convincing to us.”


“[President Vladimir Putin’s senior foreign policy adviser Yuri Ushakov]  made clear that Russia suspects there could be a repeat of the run-up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, when false intelligence was used to justify military action.

“I would not like to draw parallels with the well-known investigations by (then U.S.) Secretary of State (Colin) Powell, but the information and facts that were presented do not look convincing,” he said of the latest U.S. information.

“It would be hard even to call them facts,” Ushakov said at a briefing before the June 17-18 G8 summit in Northern Ireland, where Putin will meet Obama and other Western leaders.”

Obama regime’s bald faced lies don’t pass the laugh test and require total ignorance of recent events to be believed:

“Following a deliberative review, our intelligence community assesses that the Assad regime has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale against the opposition multiple times in the last year. Our intelligence community has high confidence in that assessment given multiple, independent streams of information. The intelligence community estimates that 100 to 150 people have died from detected chemical weapons attacks in Syria to date; however, casualty data is likely incomplete. While the lethality of these attacks make up only a small portion of the catastrophic loss of life in Syria, which now stands at more than 90,000 deaths, the use of chemical weapons violates international norms and crosses clear red lines that have existed within the international community for decades. We believe that the Assad regime maintains control of these weapons. We have no reliable, corroborated reporting to indicate that the opposition in Syria has acquired or used chemical weapons.

Hey Obama–

UN Human Rights Investigation:


Anonymous Leaks Video of Jihadis Testing Sarin


(UPDATE: “Anonymous” account terminated by US partner corporation Youtube/Google.  Here are screen shots from the video of Jihadis testing Sarin on rabbits:

Jihadi-nervegas copy



Al Nusra Jihadis Arrested in Turkey With Nerve Gas on Way to Syria


Apparently, Political Film Blog readers are more informed than the entire United States “intelligence community.”


Here is the link to the Activist Post article.   I’ll post the full text shortly.

Also at OpedNews.  This article may be re-posted and re-blogged as needed.

Is This the Man Who “Radicalized” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?

“I hope I didn’t contribute to it. That kid and his brother identified with the Chechen struggle. “
–Brian Glyn Williams, South Coast Today, April 19th 2013


Who is Brian Glyn Williams, and why was he telling his local newspaper such things relating to the alleged Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? This question may be highly relevant to our understanding of the bombing and of the longstanding Chechen insurgency itself. It was Williams who contacted South Coast Today reporter Steve Urbon first, and not vice-versa. This important article indicates a series of contacts between professor Williams and the boy who would later be accused of terrorism and mass murder at the 2013 Boston Marathon…


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